Saturday, June 25, 2022

Chattel Drive


Now that the Supreme Court has done away with a woman's right to an abortion...

...will these be the next to go? 


  1. Hi, Kirk!

    Yeah, let's make it illegal to even say the word "abortion" or utter the hateful, anti-American slogans "women's rights," "gay rights" and "Black lives matter." I say let's ban birth control and enjoy the Baby Boom of the 21st century.

    I just read that sales of wire coat hangers have spiked.

    God bless America!!!

    1. "I just read that sales of wire coat hangers have spiked."

      So has shotgun weddings, Shady

  2. Actually, soon high-heeled, uncomfortable shoes will be a requirement for all women — like it or not.

    1. Only up to the moment of conception, Mitchell.

  3. I will draw the lines at heels. And I'm not even a woman.

  4. I assume the loss of shoes refers to the old "barefoot and pregnant" adage.

    1. Congratulations, Mike, you got it!

      Hopefully, everyone else did, too.

  5. Replies
    1. Ananka, a leaked memo from the Supreme Court a few months ago detailed just what was in store. Nevertheless, I was still surprised. I didn't really think they'd go through with it. Now I'm very worried that the "right to privacy," the constitutional concept that brought to an end all the old laws against sodomy and contraceptives, might be in peril.

  6. Socially retrospective laws are extremely troubling. Is there such wide spread ignorance about how things used to be before the enlightenment in the late 20th century? I didn't get the 'joke' until I read Mike's comment. Clever.

    1. Andrew, I worry now that the Enlightenment they had back in Isaac Newton's day might be headed for the incinerator!


In order to keep the hucksters, humbugs, scoundrels, psychos, morons, and last but not least, artificial intelligentsia at bay, I have decided to turn on comment moderation. On the plus side, I've gotten rid of the word verification.