Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Quips and Quotations (Bass Player Edition)



Speech is a very important aspect of being human. A whisper doesn't cut it.

--James Earl Jones

 The Great White Hope (1970, based on a 1968 Broadway play, also starring Jones, for which he won a Tony--Kirk)

Claudine (1974. No great shakes as a movie, but I've always liked Jones in it--Kirk)

The Empire Strikes Back (1980. Yes, I know he voiced the same character in a movie before and a movie after, but you only get one clip out of me as I refuse to hand this blog over to the Force, no matter how tempting--Kirk)

Fences (1987 Broadway play for which Jones won his second Tony--Kirk)

CNN promo (1994. Made me want to watch the news--Kirk)






  1. And I cant imagine a person NOT knowing that voice. I actually enjoyed his funny side.

    1. Maddie, the main reason I included the Claudine clip is because it was one of the few comedies Jones was in. I thought he handled it well, but he was obviously more in demand as a dramatic actor. Ironically, Jones first movie was a comedy, Dr. Strangelove. He played one of the crewmembers of the B-whatever bomber that against all odds manages to drop a nuke on Russia (unknowingly setting off a doomsday device in the process) but he and the rest of the crewmembers basically played straight man to Slim Pickins gung-ho cowboy commander.

  2. And he was so much more than that incredible voice.

    1. Oh, yes, Mitchell, and I hope I found a balance between the voice and the acting chops in my selection of clips.

  3. A big deal about his death is being made here. I had only heard his name and I knew nothing about him. I just knew this post from you would soon arrive. I am a little more educated now.

    1. Happy to contribute to your education, Andrew.

  4. I had forgotten how much stuff he was in!

    1. Oh yeah, Mike, I barely scratched the surface.


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