Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Artificial Incongruence



Deepfake before deepfake was cool.






  1. These are wonderful. But, are you sure those first two are faked?

    1. No, Mitchell. I'm giving the photos the benefit (as well as the shadow) of a doubt.

  2. Hi, Kirk!

    I enjoyed viewing these vintage deepfakes. Shirley, some of them date back a hundred years or more. My dad was enthralled with trick photography. I have boyhood memories of him bringing books on the subject home from the library and studying the techniques. Occasionally, he asked me to pose for his wacky compositions, turning me into "the amazing colossal man" or a "puppet person" depending on the effect. Who knew that such good innocent fun would one day evolve into an ugly, weaponized, high stakes game with democracy and the very future of planet earth on the line?

    I return to blogging with a new post this Thursday and invite you to join the fun at Shady's Place. Until then, have a great week, good buddy Kirk!

    1. Shady, I was originally going to confine myself to the Late Victorian Era, but almost every photo was one torso-less body after another (a fad at the time, I found out, with people paying money to be decapitated in a photo.) So for variety's sake, I went a little further into the 20th century, mostly the first decade. There are two from the 1920s, but I'm not saying which ones. See you Thursday or thereabouts.

  3. Replies
    1. Andrew, it probably started in the cave. In fact, I bet those bison are exaggerated.

  4. Well, it had to start SOMEWHERE. My fave is the guy juggling heads.

  5. It's just faster now and available to everyone.

  6. They are very impressive. Amazing to think how they did it before Photoshop back in the day!

    1. Ananka, I think it was an era when "cut and paste" LITERALLY meant cut and paste!


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