Saturday, May 25, 2024

Graphic Grandeur (She Was Flagged Edition)



This Peter Steiner cartoon makes me wonder if it was the report due on Marbury vs. Madison.

Now let's hear from a different Supreme:


  1. I miss the musical Supremes! No wife blaming.

  2. Hi, Kirk!

    I'm returning for three days of blogging madness this coming Monday, Memorial Day, but stopping in early this morning to say hello and experience your latest post.

    I see that our buddy (not) The Reaper collected two more biggies for his trophy case in my absence. Roger Corman, king of low budget/no budget horror and exploitation films, was one of my favorite film directors and producers. His work influenced me tremendously. Actor Dabney Coleman built a career on playing flawed but funny characters. He was another favorite. Thank you for remembering both of those talented and prolific men.

    I remember a time when conservative Americans were shocked and outraged when the American Flag was displayed on articles of clothing. Now conservatives think it is perfectly AOK for a supreme court justice to turn our flag into a symbol of hate by flying it upside down in support of the violent insurrection mob that acted upon Trump's false claim that the 2020 election was rigged and the results needed to be overturned. No one is above the law, not the violent January 6 rioters, not disgruntled former presidents who can't stand to lose, and not supreme court justices. Politics and the never-ending lust for wealth, power and control have indeed turned our sense of what is normal and acceptable upside down and inside out, and 'round and 'round we go. America is losing its way, losing its soul and, quite possibly, its democracy.

    I'll be publishing a new post this Monday, Memorial Day, and hope you can stop by and check it out. It should remind you of your recent post about Elvis the Pelvis and Ann-Margret. You'll see why. Have a safe and restful holiday weekend, good buddy Kirk!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Shady. I'll stop by your place on Monday.

  3. That will be on my funeral celebration play list. I must get on to it.

    1. I'm hoping that playlist is a long way off, Andrew.


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