Thursday, December 21, 2023

Vital Viewing (Pulp Christmas Edition)


Only four days left to get your official Samuel L. Jackson holiday T-shirt. Hesitant? Not sure it's the right look for you? Perhaps these videos will help you decide:

OK, Jackson couldn't get an F-bomb in edgewise there. At least not one that was picked up by the mike. Samuel is seen and heard to much better effect in this yuletide presentation from the good people at Capital One:

Don't feel too sorry for Jackson. He's paid handsomely every time he references maternal incest in a movie, and that more than makes up for whatever coal he gets in his stocking. As for that other fellow in the commercial, it's proof, as if any was needed, that in this great capitalistic system of ours, even a Sweathog can achieve sainthood.


  1. I'd be slipping in the F bomb along with Samuel L. Jackson. What IS up with that?

  2. Hi, Kirk!

    I'm double-dippin' here at SOAD, good buddy. Every time Sam Jackson appears on the large screen or small, I can feel his righteous anger. As you pointed out, his infamous 'tude has earned him big bucks over the years. I haven't been a regular viewer of SNL for decades, but thoroughly enjoyed this BET parody sketch. Looks like SNL currently boasts a crop of talented and very funny young players. That's good to see. Along with Jackson, Martin Short is another very busy, in-demand actor. Likewise, John Travolta never seems to wear out his welcome with grateful audiences. Please don't miss him in Hairspray. I like the use of that Chuck Berry song to tag out of that CapitalOne spot.

    Happy holidays to you, good buddy Kirk!

    1. Shady, I only watch SNL sporadically these days. Not because the show isn't funny, it's just not the habit it once was. The clip is from 2014. I always find the very underrated Kenan Thompson funny. He's been a cast member for 20 years now!

  3. I'm getting used to being shocked by once handsome actors as they have aged. I thought surely no, that can't be Travolta, but it is make up for a role. Who would have thought Brad Pitt could turn sixty years old, and he's still handsome enough.

    1. Andrew, I just now clicked on some pictures of Pitt at his 60th birthday party, and had I not know his age, I wouldn't guess he was that old. He looks much as he did 20 years ago. Travolta turns 70 in February. If anything, the shaved head he's had of late makes him look younger.

  4. Hilarious! I like Samuel L. Jackson and his notoriously foul mouth. Playing Nick Fury in the Marvel movies, though, he only got to say "motherffffff..." as he was snapped out of existence. But he DID chastise Captain America once for mildly swearing -- "You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Debra, I'm reminded of the old Redd Foxx joke: "I invented FM radio but someone switched the letters around!

  5. The thing I like about him is he takes all the work offered to him, good and bad. And he looks fab for his age too!

    1. I just checked, Ananka, and what do you know? Samuel L. Jackson turns 75 today. Happy birthday, Samuel.

  6. His best known for his acting skills and the f bomb. Lol! Happy holidays to you, pal!


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