Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Quips and Quotations (Magic Kingdom Confidential Edition)


I'm not Walt Disney. I do a lot of things Walt Disney would not do. Walt Disney does not smoke. I smoke. Walt Disney does not drink. I drink.

--Walt Disney, on his public persona.


  1. That's funny. I recently read of Walt visiting England, I think a town called Disney something. He had a connection to the town.

    1. Andrew, I'm surprised there's not an amusement park there.

  2. Hmmm, I wonder what his other vices were?

  3. Debra, the Kansas farm boy liked off-color jokes and managed to slip some in his early cartoons. It's when he decided to use children's literature as source material (because he felt it was more amenable to animation than adult fare) that the squeaky-clean image took over.

    One animator who worked for Disney in the early days was Friz Freleng. According to a biography of Disney, the two men had a falling out, and Freleng left, eventually ending up at Leon Schlesinger's studio (Warner Brothers) where he eventually became an animation director. Whenever one of Freleng's cartoons was screened at the Disney studio--a way of keeping track of the competition--Walt would introduce it by saying "Now here's one by Friz Pee-leng"

    I wasn't all just singing birds at Disney.

  4. I wonder what else Walt Disney didn't do.

    1. What happens in Anaheim stays in Anaheim, Mitchell.

  5. Replies
    1. Mike, are you referring to Song of the South (the one with Uncle Remus)? Here's some background on the 1946 movie:


In order to keep the hucksters, humbugs, scoundrels, psychos, morons, and last but not least, artificial intelligentsia at bay, I have decided to turn on comment moderation. On the plus side, I've gotten rid of the word verification.