Monday, September 28, 2009

Archival Revival

I've caught a small cold, and thought I might like to write about it. Then I remembered that last March I had a much, much, worse cold, which I wrote about at the time. Rather than try to--excuse me--PKTHGKLTG!--top myself, which may not be possible or even desirable, I've decided to rerun the earlier post. Read it, if you dare.


  1. Well, it wasn't pretty, but I dared to read it!

    'snot pleasant to be sick with an upper respiratory thing. We convince ourselves it's not really "sickness", so we force ourselves to keep working and going about daily life as we suffer it, passing it on to others . . . when, in fact, it's "sick". Feel better soon!

  2. Each cold virus is unique. Everytime you recover from a cold, you then have a lifelong immunity to that particular virus.

    Cold comfort, I know.

  3. I don't get them. Not sure why. I did all of my life in California, but not for the past 7 years in Nevada. I've wondered if the dry climate has anything to do with it.

    Cold comfort, indeed! Because as you develop the immunity, 8 bazillion NEW viruses are coming to life.

  4. LimesNow, I prefer to see the cup half-full. 8 bazillion viruses have also died.


  5. Good point! I'm pretty optimistic, myself. {Sniffle. Snort.}

  6. "Snot here Captain"
    "What snot there Snotty"

  7. To coldly go where no man has gone before...

  8. Well, at the risk of being oh-so-obvious: "Beam me up, Snotty!"

  9. That's what you do if you don't have a Kleenix.

  10. up your nose with a rubber hose-Vinnie Barbarino


In order to keep the hucksters, humbugs, scoundrels, psychos, morons, and last but not least, artificial intelligentsia at bay, I have decided to turn on comment moderation. On the plus side, I've gotten rid of the word verification.