Saturday, August 3, 2024

Bouncing Back

I haven't been paying all that much attention to the Paris Olympics, but gymnast Simone Biles has managed to make inroads into my consciousness. Turns out we have something in common, and not simply United States citizenship: we've both been to a mental health professional. The similarity ends there, I'm afraid. I did it very quietly, and didn't tell people I'd gone to one until years later. Back in 2020, Biles perhaps would have liked to have done it quietly, too. Unfortunately, all eyes were on her at the Tokyo Olympics when she suddenly dropped out due to "the twisties." A colloquial rather than a medical term, there's nevertheless some real psychology behind it, as it has to do with what a gymnast experiences when they encounter a disconnect between their body and mind while performing skills, like twists, in competition. While executing a routine, a gymnast may lose their sense of space and air awareness, do more or fewer twists or flips than intended, possibly preventing a gymnast from landing safely on the mat. Biles herself had this to say:

"I say put mental health first. Because if you don't, then you're not going to enjoy your sport and you're not going to succeed as much as you want to. So it's OK sometimes to even sit out the big competitions to focus on yourself, because it shows how strong of a competitor and person that you really are — rather than just battle through it."

Biles was slammed in some corners for being a "quitter", as well as "letting her country down", but multiple other gymnasts came forth and told of their own experiences with the twisties, and in the end it created a greater awareness of the role mental health plays in sports.

Since then, Biles has made a Olympic comeback, winning two gold medals in Paris (for Team and All-Around), and may win a few more in the next few days. Even if she doesn't she's already made Olympics history, having won four won earlier golds at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games, six altogether, more than any other U.S. gymnast.

None of this means that the mental health issues have been forgotten, as Biles will tell you in this talk with the media not long after she won her sixth gold: 

Now let's see Simone Biles in action. Unfortunately, NBC Sports has put the kibosh on showing any part of their Olympics coverage on a mere blog like this. However, a YouTube site that goes by the name "Zennie62 You Live Oakland News Now NFL Draft Vegas" did have this video, which look to have been taped from a distance by somebody sitting in the stands. \

OK, I give up. Now Zennie62whateverthehellyoucallit took its video away. Man, this Olympic coverage must be worth its weight in, well, gold medals.  

I'm sending you right to YouTube post itself:


No mental health issues there. Not even a Freudian slip.


She just won a third gold in the Vault. That's seven Olympic golds altogether. Lest we forget, she's also won a silver in Tokyo and bronze each in Rio and Tokyo, so that's ten Olympic medals of any cast.





  1. Interesting. Did you find mental health treatment helped you?

    1. It helped me understand myself better, Andrew, and that's what I was after.

  2. There are two types of people, those that have seen a mental health professional, and those that need to see mental health professional.

    Looks like the video uploader got copywrited.

    1. Mike, I've admitted defeat and replaced the second video with a link, worth watching if you haven't yet seen Simone Biles doing her thing this past Thursday.

  3. I have watched her Olympic victories. She amazes me. I too have been to a therapist. After my partner died, I felt horrible both mentally and physically. The therapist helped tremendously. I think everyone should see a therapist. Mental health is the last thing many people take care of...but to me it is one of the most important.

    1. JM, I went when I realized the insurance I had at the time would cover it. That's not always the case.

  4. What a fascinating story! Thank you for sharing. I'm glad therapy helped you.

    I went several times many, many years ago. My biggest breakthrough surprised me. As it turns out, the therapist helped me let go of undeserved guilt over an inability to fix my parents' dysfunctional relationship.

    Mom died in 2017 and my father excommunicated me and my husband, who loved both my folks dearly. But I've realized my father is a control freak.

    He'd cut us off twice before when he didn't like what I did or had to say. My eldest brother says I'm not missing out dealing with the bitter old man. I just wish my sweet brother would make a clean break.

    The more you live, the more you learn. Right? Sorry to have rambled. I guess this offered some mental therapy. lol Be well!

    1. Oh, you can ramble all you want, Darla. Trust me, there are people who've left comments thrice as long as yours (and then ended it by telling me they didn't have much to say!)

      As you told me I'll tell you, I'm glad you were helped by therapy. Sorry about your relationship with your father. Sounds like you're better off being cut off.

  5. Mental illness is such an important topic! Stoicism isn't an answer for everything. Sometimes we need to take a break and focus on our mental health. We're so used on battling things through...but when one is unwell mentally, things can get bad quickly. In case of athletes such as Simone, not taking a break can result in an injury.

    One of my students adores Simone and always does presentations on her, so through her presentations I learned a lot about Simone. This student of mine is also fantastic at presenting, and she stressed the importance of Simone focusing on her mental health. I thought that was pretty impressive, as this student of mine is only 12. Anyway, I guess she's an additional reason why I'm always keeping an eye on Simone and I'm very happy to see her victories. Besides, she seems like a lovely person. We watched a few interviews with Simone in our classes, and they served as little inspirational moments.


In order to keep the hucksters, humbugs, scoundrels, psychos, morons, and last but not least, artificial intelligentsia at bay, I have decided to turn on comment moderation. On the plus side, I've gotten rid of the word verification.