Saturday, August 10, 2024

Domestic Affairs


This father of two owns a cat. If that wasn't sufficient enough to balance the ticket, there's also a dog, Scout:

I think the Labradore mix is just an ally. After all, he's been fixed.


  1. Our media seems mystified by Walz and don't seem inclined to write about him. Nevertheless, from blogland, I've learnt a bit.

    1. He seems like a good fit to me, Andrew. It has all the makings of a strong ticket.

  2. I wonder what Vance has to say about childed cat men.

  3. Hi, Kirk!

    When MAGA goes low, you can bet it's only because they have not yet discovered a way to go even lower. I am sickened and saddened by their latest campaign to do a John Kerry number on Gov. Tim Walz, trying to rewrite history, sew seeds of doubt about his stellar military record and make him look like a coward. Every serviceman and woman, every military family in this country should be offended and outraged by these ugly, desperate attacks by Vance, Fox News and anyone else who spreads the misinformation. They wanna throw stones? Let's talk about Trump's glorious military service!

    I am sure the same people in the Trump-Vance "stink tank" will try to find a way to use Tim's love of animals against him, too. Take something good and pure, tarnish it and use it to your own advantage. That's the American way, right? The good people of this nation need to rise up in numbers never seen before to beat back this malignant threat. This November, everything is on the line. We can and must save democracy, our country and planet earth.

    I return with a new post tomorrow (Sunday) and hope you can take a look. Have a nice weekend, good buddy Kirk!

    1. Shady, I held off on posting this for a day because I wanted to see how this newest bit of swift boating would play out. It doesn't look like it's going to play out at all.

  4. Politicians introducing their pets as a way of winning public sympathy?

    1. That indeed may be the reason, Ivana, but what motivated me to do this post is that another politician claimed Walz's political party is controlled by "childless cat ladies", so I'm hoping to refute that by pointing out there are men in that party with children who also own cats. Along the way, I discovered the dog photo and felt it was a good way to remind everyone of Walz's support for LGBTQ people.

  5. I had never heard about this guy until a few days ago! Maybe to show his human side? Who can resist cats and dogs? Everyone loves one or the other or both!

    1. Ananka, most Americans (outside of those living in Minnesota) had never heard of this guy until a few days ago. Yes, I'm sure the pets was to show his human side, but as I told Ivana, my own motivation is to show Vance's INHUMAN side.

  6. I can see 16 years of Democratic presidents coming up.

  7. Oh, I hope you're right, Mike. For the time being, the polling shows a pretty close race.


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