Sunday, April 14, 2024

Graphic Grandeur (Female Accessories Edition)


Alternative cartoonist Trina Robbins drew the above in 1983. We're now a whole 24 years into the 21st century and I have yet to run into somebody like this in the park or the mall, but if and when I do, you can be damn sure I'll ask her to take a selfie with me.




  1. So funny. That was an ’80s fashion look projecting the 21st century. And now it just looks ‘80s.

    1. Mitchell, instead of a comic book, it could work just as well on an '80s exercise video.

  2. It isn't so great that she is wearing foot and leg damaging high heels, and what appears to be a corset. Mind, I could do with one of those myself.

  3. I looked her up on Wikipedia -- a real trailblazer for women cartoonists.

    1. Debra, I emphasized alternative comics because that was her artistic calling, but Trina Robbins also had a career in mainstream comics, mainly a well-regarded stint on Wonder Woman in the 1980s, which she drew in a retro-1940s style, to emphasize the character's WWII roots. She also wrote several books chronicling the history of women in comics, both as comic book characters, and real-life artists.

  4. A memorial necklace but a brand new Beaver.


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