Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Presumptive Democratic Presidential Nominee Pride


Now, there's plenty of good reasons to vote for Kamala Harris should she, as seems likely, appear on the top of the November ballot. This is but one of them (well, five, if you want to count each image separately, which is entirely up to you, of course.)


  1. I had originally always liked her in the original race. She...mayor Pete and Biden were my three choices.

    1. You mean in 2020, Maddie? Biden became the frontrunner with such lightning speed, I don't even remember who else was running. WAIT A SECOND! You did a post on Pete about that time, didn't you? Now I remember.

    2. Pete may one day get his day in the sun. E pluribis unum.

  2. She is rather classy too. I already feel good about her chances against a dishonourable felon, liar and cheat.

    1. Frankly, Andrew, I would like to think Wile E. Coyote's chances against a dishonorable felon, liar, and cheat would be pretty good, but not in today's America. Beep! Beep!

  3. I’ll count all 5. The more I see and hear her, the more uplifted I get.

    1. You're not the only uplifted, Mitchell. Overnight, the Democrats raised $100 million since Kamala got the nod from Joe.

  4. Yes, she is a good Ally. Love her jean jacket in the first photo!

    1. Debra, when I do these posts where the title ends in "Pride", it's usually for people who I assume to be straight, hence allies. After all, they have much less incentive to support the cause (until recently, they've often done more than me, who technically has a LOT MORE incentive, so it behooves me to keep them in my thoughts.) As for the denim jacket, I've shown it before, back in 2020, when she was the VP pick:


  5. I really donno much about politics, yours and mine Kirk! But this news was all over our papers in Scotland. She stands for what is important I see :-D

    1. Ananka, I pretty much know the politics (if any) of everybody who regularly has been leaving comments on Shadow of a Doubt for more than a couple of months, and, as long as they're not obnoxious about it, I welcome people here who disagree, or in your case, have no opinion at all.

      I'm sure it's confusing to some people the way this blog jumps back and forth between pop culture and politics. "Why can't it be about one of another?" I bet they're thinking. In truth, this blog is about neither pop culture NOR politics. It's about a view of the world, my view of the world, and I bounce that view off one or the other, and anything else that comes to my attention. It's what makes the blog interesting to me, and it HAS to be interesting to me, or I'm not motivated to work on it. All I can say to visitors is, hey, stick around, the day may come when you may actually agree with me about something, be it a fifty-year-old sitcom, or the President of the United States!

      Thanks for commenting, Ananka.

    2. That should be "one OR another."

      Any view of the world must encompass typos.

    3. "... day may come when you may..."

      Quite a few typos. Sheesh!

  6. I'm not from the US and not really following the news. Who are the other candidates for this position? Do they come close?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Lux, by "position", do you mean the Presidency of the United States? Aside from Harris, the other candidate is the racist, homophobic, misogynist, greedy, Fascist back-stabbing con man bully who held the position between Jan 2017 and Jan 2021. As to who he comes "close" to, I don't know, Nero maybe.

  8. She gives me hope that we can win this election.


In order to keep the hucksters, humbugs, scoundrels, psychos, morons, and last but not least, artificial intelligentsia at bay, I have decided to turn on comment moderation. On the plus side, I've gotten rid of the word verification.