Thursday, February 29, 2024

Ice Escapades


As you no doubt have heard, the Alabama Supreme Court recently ruled that frozen embryos are human beings. I confess to not having given the matter much thought before, but now that those judges have set me straight, me and my...

...elite team of commandos have taken it upon ourselves to infiltrate...

...this secret freezing facility and rescue any and all embryos before they are forced to endure the unfathomable cruelty of in vitro fertilization!

Of course, we first have to immobilize the evil scientist and his henchmen who run the place.


OK, it looks like they're immobilized. Now let's open up that freezer and rescue those embryos!

Um...I'm afraid he doesn't count. His embryonic days are long past.


  1. If this story were reported 20 years ago, everyone would have thought it was a spoof. May this idiocy blow up in these idiots faces.

  2. I am amused, especially by the word 'zlonk', which I didn't know. Maybe zlonk is the knock out blow.
    We are talking about some cells, aren't we. What nonsense.

    1. An esoteric sound effect, to be sure, Andrew.

  3. If you freeze a real baby, they'll die. If you thaw those embryos, they'll die. That should be enough to prove to idiots that they are not both "people." And if you thaw Walt Disney, is that murder too even though he already died once? Asshats.

    1. Debra, if you thaw out Walt Disney, you might have to then freeze Bob Iger.

  4. I feel much safer now the SuperKirk is on the job!

  5. I forgot about WD being turned into an ice cube.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Mike, I hear he has a cameo in the movie Frozen.

  6. Now that is entertaining. And also, I haven't really thought about those things except when a guest blogger wrote about it.

  7. Lux, I doubt that outside of those who desperately want biological offspring and those who desperately want to control other people's biological decision-making, many people think of those things. But judges and other public officials have a way of forcing such thoughts upon us every now and then.


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