Saturday, June 26, 2021

Quips and Quotations (Pride Month Political Science Edition)


Harvey was on a roll.  As the November elections approached he was everywhere, and I began to run into him with greater frequency....He looked very different, and very much the candidate. I'd never really been very impressed by Harvey before, but there was a quality to him now that made me feel almost shy. Harvey was one of the architects of the new progressive coalition that brought together labor unions, feminists, racial and ethnic minorities, gay and lesbian people, environmentalists, and neighborhood activists. But Harvey's greatest love was for young people, and I would be one of many--gay and straight, boys and girls--who would benefit from his mentorship.

I was still barely speaking to my father and I found myself really looking forward to these moments when I was alone with Harvey. He could be impatient sometimes, but he had a remarkable ability to meet anyone--young people in particular--find some common ground, and connect. The more I saw him, the more I respected this attribute that was both a commitment, and a source of strength. Harvey genuinely liked people, all different kinds of people. We're all so accustomed to the politicians shaking hands, making eye contact for the cameras and all the other bullshit. But Harvey really loved people. He could find common interest, humor, and respect talking with just about any type of person one could imagine. From wealthy white ladies in Pacific Heights to refugees from Central America, from gay bartenders to rank-and-file firefighters, if you met Harvey, you wanted to tell him your story.

--Cleve Jones, When We Rise: My Life in the Movement 

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