Saturday, February 15, 2025

Quips and Quotations (Who Says Empowerment Can't Be Fun Edition)


Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel. It gives a woman a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. It makes her feel as if she were independent... the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood.

--Susan B. Anthony


  1. Yes, I get that. It was part of the beginning of the never ending story of the empowerment of women.

  2. So fascinating to be reminded of the importance of bicycling.

    1. Mitchell, I admit I needed to be reminded, as I haven't ridden one in years.

  3. Not long after the ladies started riding bicycles, guys discovered lady bicycle seats.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Mike, I thought they invented the "bicycle made for two."

  4. Hi, Kirk!

    Happy 225th birthday (in heaven) to Susan B. Anthony!

    As she turns over in her grave, I'm sure Sue is reminding us that, when you fall off the bike, you need to get up, dust yourself off, hop back on and pedal like hell. By the way, the current administration is all in favor of women's suffrage. Yessir, they want women to suffer as much as possible, along with minorities, the working class and the middle class.

    Have a nice weekend and I'll see you next month, good buddy Kirk!

    1. Shady, we may all have to peddle like hell from the fall of the republic.

  5. Free and untrammeled -- that's what we want to be!

    1. It's a much better world when you are, Debra.

  6. I always loved riding a bike. I need to get a new one. I like the quote though not heard of her, I had a quick look on google to see who she was. Good for her.

    1. If you googled, Ananka, you know she was a suffragette. I imagine she's better known in the United States.

  7. Replies
    1. JM, I can just hear her going, "Wheeee!"

    2. Oooh hearing her go "wheee" just added more fun to the picture!

  8. Hello Kirk, As I started reading this, I at first thought that those were your comments on the picture, and thought what-the-heck? But as I read on I realized it must be SBA or someone like her. Incidentally, I think the woman in the photo would feel freer, more self-reliant and more independent if she learned to put her feet on the pedals.
    p.s. I wonder if Ms. Anthony is still turning in her grave over those Susan B. Anthony dollars?

    1. Jim, as far as I know, Susan B. Anthony is not in that picture. Here's how it happened: I was reading a bunch of Anthony quotes for a possible post, but couldn't decide on one, so I decided to put the idea on the backburner. Later in the day, I was scrolling down Facebook when I came across the picture of the three women bicycling. I thought to myself "that fits Antony's quote perfectly" and decided to put the two together, serendipity as it were. The photo isn't dated, but it looks like it could be from the suffragette era. Even if it's not, it's an apt description of what Anthony was talking about.

      If Susan B. Anthony is turning in her grave, it's probably because 105 years after women got the right to vote (which she didn't live to see) there still hasn't been a women president.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. What a powerful quote from Susan B. Anthony! So inspiring. Especially because, you know, I don't know how to bike. My husband's been trying to teach me.


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